The Best At-Home Light Therapy Skincare Treatments for Every Budget
If you go to an esthetician, they likely incorporate some kind of light therapy into one or more of their treatments. Experts swear by it to treat fine lines, wrinkles, and acne — but thanks to today's technology, you can incorporate this treatment into your own beauty routine in the comfort of your own home. In a recent video of The Cut with Susan Yara, we tried out three at-home light therapy treatments worth trying.
First up is the LightStim for wrinkles ($249). It helps restore your skin's youthful appearance by reducing fine lines and wrinkles. The LED light delivers light energy that energizes cells and stimulate the body's natural regeneration cell cycle. The best part is that there are different LightStim devices depending on your concerns, including wrinkles, acne, and pain.
The affordable Neutrogena Light Therapy Acne Mask ($39.99) uses red and blue light to reduce inflammation and kill acne-causing bacteria, respectively. The mask is supposed to be used daily for 10 minutes, and best results were seen after 12 weeks of use.
On the pricier end is the Truth Vitality Lux Renew ($279), which uses ultrasound waves to stimulate collagen production, improving elasticity and firmness in the skin. The red LED light reduces fine lines and wrinkles and improves skins barrier functions, while the blue LED light kills the acne-causing bacteria and reduces the appearances of blemishes. It's a one-stop skincare device that solves almost every skin problem.
Want to see the masks in action? Watch the video below to learn more about these at-home light therapy treatments: