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The Vegan Swaps You'll Love More Than The Original

The Vegan Swaps You'll Love More Than The Original

Vegan alternatives are everywhere today. In the grocery store, in the beauty aisle, in the mall, you name it. As part of the #MyVeganDiary series, I put together a list of my five favorite vegan food swaps that'll make it easier to incorporate animal-free alternatives into your everyday life.

My list only touches the surface of what's out there today, so don't be discouraged if you don't like them. Use this list as a starting point and keep trying new products until you find the ones you like the best. Onward!

If You Want Cheese… Try Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast ($8) is yeast flakes that can add a cheesy flavor to your food. Think of it more like a cheese seasoning rather than a block of cheddar, and it's fortified with B12 and loaded with protein, amino acids, and iron. It's delicious and I swear by it, which is why I put this on everything. Literally everything.

If You Want Milk… Try Nut Milk

Silk Unsweetened Vanilla Almond ($3) is my favorite nut milk right now, but there are so many plant-based milks to try–cashew milk, soy milk, oat milk, rice milk, hemp milk, etc. To avoid added processed sugar, opt for the unsweetened variety. An honorable mention goes to So Delicious Unsweetened Vanilla Cashew Milk ($3).

If You Want Ice Cream… Try This Cashew-Based Alternative

Salted Caramel Cluster ($5) is my favorite dairy free ice cream at the grocery store. It's so good–you can't tell it's dairy-free and doesn't have an overwhelming taste of cashews. Ben & Jerry's and Coconut Bliss have some awesome vegan flavors, too. If you have the time and are feeling adventurous, try making your own vegan ice cream at home!

If You Want Honey… Try Organic Maple Syrup

Maple syrup ($24) is a natural sweetener that’s a great alternative to honey or any processed sugar. I recommend buying a big size; it may be more expensive but you'll be out before you know it. Use it in your tea, oatmeal, and baked goods. However, make sure the only ingredient is organic maple syrup, you don't want any processed ingredients with added sugar or artificial flavors.

If You Want Chocolate… Try This Virgin Chocolate

I've tried a ton of vegan chocolate and love the Raaka Pink Sea Salt (71% Cacao) ($8) because it's delicious and the ingredient list is so so simple: organic cacao beans, organic cane sugar, organic maple syrup, organic cacao butter, and Peruvian pink sea salt. I dare you to have only a bite.

If you want to hear my opinion on fake meats and my response to that "where do you get your protein" question, stay tuned for next week's post!

What are your favorite vegan swaps? Do you have any products I should try? Leave me a comment below or on my Instagram @CarlyRivlin!

Welcome to #MyVeganDiary, a series focused on living a vegan lifestyle. Follow along for Mixed Makeup producer Carly Rivlin's cruelty-free tips on everything from beauty and skincare to recipes and more.

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