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How to Copy Supermodel Christy Turlington's Easy Nighttime Beauty Routine

How to Copy Supermodel Christy Turlington's Easy Nighttime Beauty Routine

You'd assume that supermodels spend the better part of their day on their beauty routines; after all, they've built careers from their pretty faces. Veteran supermodel Christy Turlington, who's once again the face of Calvin Klein Eternity and its new Intense fragrance, recently revealed her skincare lineup and anti-aging strategy. If there's one thing we can learn from her, it's that less is definitely more.

In a chat with Harper's Bazaar, the iconic model and Every Mother Counts CEO and founder says she has a pretty minimal skincare routine. "I am not one of those people that has to do whatever the latest, new thing is, and I am not a big treatment person," she says, adding that she's more into "simple hydration and good health."

As far as products go, Turlington raves about Biotherm's serums and night creams. "I am a longtime fan of [their] Blue Therapy," she tells the fashion magazine. "I have super-dry skin. The more rich products, the better."

So what does a minimalist supermodel's beauty shelf look like at night? Turlington says after washing her face, she'll use Biotherm's Blue Therapy serum or one of the brand's rich night creams. The entire routine "has to take five minutes or less," she says. "I am not really one to spend time on that."

Read the rest of the interview — which also reveals Turlington's grocery list and more — over at Harper's Bazaar.

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