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IZZE Debuts Sparkling Waters this Summer

IZZE Debuts Sparkling Waters this Summer

izze-sparkling-water If I'm not drinking iced tea, then I'm drinking sparkling water. In my eyes, an iced cold sparkling water is the perfect beverage for a hot summer day. It feels fancier and less-boring than regular water, but doesn't have all the sugar and calories that comes with most carbonated drinks.

Just in time for summer, IZZE decided to add sparkling water to it's beverage lineup. There are three delicious flavors: Blackberry Pear, Mandarin Lime, and Raspberry Watermelon.

They're all USDA Certified Organic and only 10 calories per bottle. Yes, 10 calories! They have a perfect hint of sweetness that comes from organic pure cane sugar. (Note that it's sweetened with real sugar and not with any of those fake, sketchy sweeteners out there.)

Look for them in stores late June and early July 2015.  My favorite flavor is the Mandarin Lime, but they're all really tasty, so be sure to give them a try at $1.29 a pop.

PS: IZZE sure knows how to throw an awesome beachside picnic!

A photo posted by Anna Fryxell (@annafryxell) on

Softlips Launches a Collaboration with Hello Kitty

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